If your pup’s intermittent paw licking has you confused, then this article is a must-read. You’ll learn the TRUTH about this troublesome behavior, plus how to help.
Now, common sense would suggest that paw licking is just a surface issue, but oftentimes, the real cause can be found deep, deep down inside your dog’s body – in the form of a disrupted gut.
Når en hunds tarme indeholder for mange dårlige bakterier og overproduktion af svamp, kan det føre til et hyperaktivt immunforsvar og inflammation.
Kort sagt, din hund er i høj risiko for at opleve problemer med huden. Med dens sensitive hud kan den mindste smule allergi i luften, especially in delicate areas like paws and ears.
Din hund paw licking is simply their way of desperately trying to find comfort.
Heldigvis findes der et bemærkelsesværdigt nyt probiotika has just hit the market that many are calling the “must-have product for every dog paw licking or dealing with seasonal allergies.” And it may be just the ticket to help your pup live a happy, comfortable life.
Love2Dogs NEW Allergy & Immune Probiotic chews have just hit the market and are immediately making waves on social media and in the news. This specialized probiotic is designed to specifically support your pup during seasonal allergies and encourage an optimal immune response – addressing paw licking, itching, head shaking, and other common signs of seasonal allergy discomfort.
Below are some of Allergy & Immune Probiotic chews game-changing benefits that make it an absolute no-brainer for dog parents.
Many of your dog’s issues could be a reaction to something more worrying deep down in their gut: bacteria and yeast.
This disruption can be caused by environmental factors or poor diet, but you can help by investing in a simple probiotic to help maintain coat comfort.
Recent studies1 show a dog’s gut makeup and balance of bacteria impact its immune system. So, you can probably see why a balanced gut is important.
Fortunately, each Love2Dogs Allergy & Immune Probiotic Chew is filled with 4 billion “units” of good bacteria! This blend of good bacteria enters a dog’s stomach and supports re-balancing the overall bacteria makeup in their digestive system. Whilst the prebiotics support the current good bacteria by ‘feeding’ them, probiotics line the intestine of the gut.
Sæsonbetinget allergi kan hurtigt give din legesyge og glade hund besvær med kløe, stress og ubehag.
Maybe you’ve tried countless ways to face your dog’s seasonal allergies, only for them to return year after year…
Men faktisk er den egentlige årsag you’ve never managed to ensure long-lasting comfort for your pup may be that you’ve likely never tackled the root cause of their seasonal allergies.
And as surprising as it might seem, seasonal allergies can often originate from a gut imbalance. Now, you already know gut health can impact a dog’s immune system…
And that’s just another reason why these probiotic chews designed specifically for seasonal allergy support are so great. Powerhouse ingredients like a triple-gut support blend of pre, pro, and postbiotics can help to boost and optimize your pup’s gut health.
By helping to promote your dog’s good gut bacteria, they encourage a healthy immune system…
And that’s the real key to helping seasonal allergies!
Just like us dogs experience stress. The most common cause is environmental stress, which can directly affect their mental well-being. Stressors can present themselves in loud families, multiple pets, or even being sent to a kennel whilst you embark on your travels.
This stress affects the digestive tract and impacts their mood – and if your dog is challenged by occasional stress due to travelling or environmental changes, or perhaps events like fireworks, then studies2 have shown that…
Probiotika tilskud har en gavnlig effekt.
Vets also recommend giving your dog probiotics a few days before you know they’re about to go through something potentially stressful3. For example, around fireworks, moving or seeing the vet.
Derudover bliver nogle hunde lettere stressede end andre. Hvis det er tilfældet med din hund, er en daglig dosis af probiotika med til at hjælpe din hund i hverdagssituationer, såsom køreture eller når den skal være alene hjemme i et par timer.
Set i lyset af disse fantastiske resultater, er det vigtigt at bemærke, at probiotika ikke skal anses for at være en magisk pille, der kan kurere infektioner eller alvorlige hudproblemer. Hvis din hund lider af dette bør du lade en dyrlæge tilse dit kæledyr.
Med det sagt, hvis du er på udkig efter et effektivt tilskud, der sørger for at din hund har et godt helbred med en sund tarm og hud, så er dette probiotika tilskud et MUST.
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