Vet Recommended and Easiest Way to Trim Your Pet's Nails

1453 anmeldelser
ClipCraft ™ (50% OFF)

Vet Recommended and Easiest Way to Trim Your Pet's Nails

1453 anmeldelser
ClipCraft ™ (50% OFF)
Færre end 10 stk. tilbage
Færre end 10 stk. tilbage

Painless Nail Trimming

ClipCraft uses an advanced diamond drum bit grinder to deliver the safest, most comfortable pet claw grinding. No more worries about over cutting, nasty pains or bleeding. Recommended by veterinarians and pet grooming professionals, painlessly and precisely trim your pet's nails anywhere

Suitable For Pets Of All Sizes

ClipCraft nail trimmer comes with three size openings to suit different sized nails. Choose a suitable one according to the size and characteristics of your pet's nail. No more overcutting with clippers, no more scratching of you or your furniture

Low Noise and Vibration

Many pets get stressed by the sound and vibration of pet nail grinders. However, ClipCraft electric pet nail grinder uses a motor with super-quiet technology that produces a very low vibration. Helps sand pets’ claws faster and easier

Save Money On Grooming

You can now save your money on going to the vet or groomer whilst still getting the professional nail trimming for your pet. Simply make one purchase and you can easily do it yourself anywhere without any risks


Painless Nail Trimming

ClipCraft uses an advanced diamond drum bit grinder to deliver the safest, most comfortable pet claw grinding. No more worries about over cutting, nasty pains or bleeding. Recommended by veterinarians and pet grooming professionals, painlessly and precisely trim your pet's nails anywhere

Suitable For Pets Of All Sizes

ClipCraft nail trimmer comes with three size openings to suit different sized nails. Choose a suitable one according to the size and characteristics of your pet's nail. No more overcutting with clippers, no more scratching of you or your furniture

Save Money On Grooming

You can now save your money on going to the vet or groomer whilst still getting the professional nail trimming for your pet. Simply make one purchase and you can easily do it yourself anywhere without any risks

Low Noise and Vibration

Many pets get stressed by the sound and vibration of pet nail grinders. However, ClipCraft electric pet nail grinder uses a motor with super-quiet technology that produces a very low vibration. Helps sand pets’ claws faster and easier



Vi donerer en del af overskuddet fra hvert køb til hundeinternater, så de kan sørge for bedre levevilkår til hundene. Ved køb af vores produkter, hjælper du disse hunde til et bedre liv.


8 stammer af bakterier

Probiotika er fordelagtige mikroorganismer, der hjælper med at opretholde et stærkt immunforsvar og hjælper med at fordøje mad og absorbere vitaminer og mineraler.

Økologisk kamille

Kamille har en lindrende og kølende effekt på irriteret hud og reducerer samtidig inflammation. Egner sig bedst til hunde med varme og kløende områder på huden

Vitamin C, B2, B12, B6

Fremmer et sundt immunsystem og sørger for en sund hud og fordøjelse. Mange hunde er i underskud af disse vitaminer, så et tilskud gør ofte stor gavn

Oversigt over alle ingredienser:

Glucosamine 200mg, Chondroitin sulfate 160mg, MSM 150mg, Økologisk kamillepulver 150mg, Vitamin C 10mg, Yucca Schidigera Extract 55mg, Økologisk passionblomst 100mg, Baldrianrod 22mg, Enzym blanding (Amylase, Protease, Lipase, Cellulase, Lactase, Bromelain ) 200mg, Græsk yoghurt ( fedtfri tørmælk, lactic acid, Bacillus coagulans,
Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Streptococcus thermophilus) 90mg, Thiamin(Vitamin B1)2mg, Riboflavin(Vitamin B2) 1.25mg, Vitamin B12 5mg, Biotin 5mcg, Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) 1.25mg, hampeekstrakt 5mg, Økologisk hampefrø pulver 200mg, Økologisk gurkemeje 200mg, Palmefrugtolie, Havre, Naturlig kylling (aromastof), Økologisk brun ris sirup, Sød kartoffel, Solsikke Lecithin, Cellulose pulver, Gulerod, Tomat, Risklid, Kokosnød Glycerin, Sorbinsyre, Rosmarin ekstrakt, Blandede tocoferoler

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4.8 / 5


1 453+ Verified Reviews

Sonja Winther
Sonja Winther
Verificeret køber
This thing did not disappoint! In 10 minutes or less I had all of my dogs paws trimmed. We trim weekly to bi-weekly so that we don’t mind our dog on the couch. This worked so quickly, I absolutely recommend!

Indsendt: 1 dag siden

Købt hos: ClipCraft (1x)

Anna Abildtoft
Anna Abildtoft
Verificeret køber
This nail grinder was very quiet and is perfect if you're not comfortable with using a nail clipper, which I'm not. It's perfect for beginners. 100% suggest chucking traditional clippers away. Every dog owner should have one of these!

Indsendt: 1 dag siden

Købt hos: ClipCraft (2x)

Sarah Toft
Sarah Toft
Verificeret køber
Trimming my dog’s nails was always a hassle, but this nail grinder makes it so much easier. It is quiet and there is no cord to deal with. His nails come out nice and smooth too, which I love!

Indsendt: 3 dage siden

Købt hos: ClipCraft (1x)

Laura Ågaard
Laura Ågaard
Verificeret køber
It is much easier than trying to use the clippers. I would recommend this to anyone who has a nervous dog or cat. I am so happy that my dog won't be slipping on the floor on long nails very soon.

Indsendt: 5 dage siden

Købt hos: ClipCraft (3x)

Sten Karlsen
Sten Karlsen
Verificeret køber
This is the first nail trimming device I feel confident using because of the slot for the dogs nail. Its pretty perfect. So easy to use and even the sound wasn’t as high pitched as others.

Indsendt: 6 dage siden

Købt hos: ClipCraft (1x)

Hanna Kragh
Hanna Kragh
Verificeret køber
My pet is shy and sensitive. This pet nail grinder really have little noise and my teddy is not scared from it. Very helpful, would recommend it to everybody who has a pet.

Indsendt: 6 dage siden

Købt hos: ClipCraft (3x)

Dorthe Lange
Dorthe Lange
Verificeret køber
This nail grinder is perfect! My pup hates having its nails trimmed and especially hates going to the salon to get it done. She was able to stay calm the whole time! Highly recommend!

Indsendt: 9 dage siden

Købt hos: ClipCraft (3x)

Klara Lind
Klara Lind
Verificeret køber
This has been absolutely amazing. The idea of clipping my puppy's nails was pretty daunting. this has made it an absolute breeze! it's quiet enough that he isn't too fazed by it and it's definitely gentle.

Indsendt: 6 dage siden

Købt hos: ClipCraft (1x)

Sonja Winther
Sonja Winther
Verificeret køber
This thing did not disappoint! In 10 minutes or less I had all of my dogs paws trimmed. We trim weekly to bi-weekly so that we don’t mind our dog on the couch. This worked so quickly, I absolutely recommend!

Indsendt: 1 dag siden

Købt hos: ClipCraft (1x)

Sarah Toft
Sarah Toft
Verificeret køber
Trimming my dog’s nails was always a hassle, but this nail grinder makes it so much easier. It is quiet and there is no cord to deal with. His nails come out nice and smooth too, which I love!

Indsendt: 3 dage siden

Købt hos: ClipCraft (1x)

Sten Karlsen
Sten Karlsen
Verificeret køber
This is the first nail trimming device I feel confident using because of the slot for the dogs nail. Its pretty perfect. So easy to use and even the sound wasn’t as high pitched as others.

Indsendt: 6 dage siden

Købt hos: ClipCraft (1x)

Anna Abildtoft
Anna Abildtoft
Verificeret køber
This nail grinder was very quiet and is perfect if you're not comfortable with using a nail clipper, which I'm not. It's perfect for beginners. 100% suggest chucking traditional clippers away. Every dog owner should have one of these!

Indsendt: 1 dag siden

Købt hos: ClipCraft (2x)

Laura Ågaard
Laura Ågaard
Verificeret køber
It is much easier than trying to use the clippers. I would recommend this to anyone who has a nervous dog or cat. I am so happy that my dog won't be slipping on the floor on long nails very soon.

Indsendt: 5 dage siden

Købt hos: ClipCraft (3x)

Hanna Kragh
Hanna Kragh
Verificeret køber
My pet is shy and sensitive. This pet nail grinder really have little noise and my teddy is not scared from it. Very helpful, would recommend it to everybody who has a pet.

Indsendt: 6 dage siden

Købt hos: ClipCraft (3x)

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1 399 Kč

499 Kč



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Du får det bedste resultat, hvis du kombinerer med vores Joint Care tyggetabletter.

1 399 Kč

499 Kč


Oftest stillede spørgsmål og svar

Step 1: According to the pet’s size and characteristics of their nails, choose the suitable port/ opening for your pet.

Step 2: Holding the grinder with one of your hands, holding the pet nails with the other hand, put its nail into a port gently, and then begin to grind.

Step 3: Take off the plastic cover of the grinder in an anticlockwise direction, turn it on and gently clean the surface of the nail grinder with eraser, paper or cloth to remove the nail powder.

1x Pet Nail Grinder 

1x USB Charge Cable

1x Package Box 

1x user manual

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