If you want to target the loos stool, fishy smell, scooting, and discomfort caused by diarrhea and anal gland issues then this could be the most important article you read this year…
The anal glands are two grape-sized sacs located on either side of your dog’s anus…
They hold a fishy, musky liquid dogs use to mark territory and talk to each other…
And like a balloon, the anal glands need to inflate and deflate with each bowel movement…
But, when your dog’s stools are too soft, they remain inflated…
Over time this partial inflation leads to a build-up of the pungent liquid…
And your dog may experience discomfort and frustration due to this build-up. Making it challenging for them to sit, walk, or poop in comfort…
Now, in my experience, supporting firm stools can be quite difficult…
But I have good news for you: there is a new, easy way to help..
Love2Dogs GutChews, the easy way to promote gut health et firm stools…
As a natural massage, these firm stools stimulate your dog’s anal glands to release their contents et keep them healthy…
This simple routine has pet parents hooked!
Love2Dogs GutChews success lies in its two-pronged approach.
Premièrement, il aide à renforcer l'intestin de votre chien, aussi connu comme son centre de contrôle, en raison de son importance. Cela permet de maintenir des défenses naturelles robustes et un tube digestif qui fonctionne à plein régime.
Deuxièmement, il favorise une consistance des selles optimale, pour que les crottes de votre chien ne soient ni trop dures ni trop molles, mais juste comme il faut. Cela peut déclencher la libération de la substance huileuse qui doit être présente à chaque selle.
En couvrant ces deux niveaux, vous vous assurez que tout est mis en œuvre pour la santé et le confort des glandes anales.
As with all Love2Dogs supplements, ease-of-use is built into the heart of it. Not only does it come in a fuss-free chews that your dog can enjoy before, during, or after mealtimes, but it also features a flavor your dog will simply adore.
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