Most Owners Ignore Their Cat’s Dental Health When It Could Have The Biggest Impact On Their Life Expectancy!

Miroslav F. (4 minute čitanja)

After my friend’s cat passed out, he told me these words that have stuck with me after all these years… ‘It all started in her mouth. It was harmless at first so I never paid attention. Now I have to live in regret’.

Learn how to help protect your cat from severe gum disease below.

Very few people are aware of what’s actually lurking in their cats mouth – and the scary truth is, it could be life-threatening…

New research has shown that up to 88% of cats have this inconspicuous problem in their mouth and yet stunningly only 17% of owners report doing anything about it. And what is it?

Put simply, it’s bacteria. But unlike humans, this bacteria could have heartbreaking consequences beyond just bad breath of cats.


You see, the bacteria in your cat’s mouth can actually leak into their body through their gums and spread throughout their body… affecting their heart, kidney and liver…

It’s so bad in fact, that a recent study by Purdue University has shown a higher incidence of heart disease in cats with bad gums….

Now, ask yourself again… When was the last time you took care of your cats teeth and gums?


If you speak to your vet, they will tell you to brush your cats teeth daily. But let’s be honest, no one has the time or patience to do that.

So if you are not going to brush teeth of your cat, then there is something else you can do that could help her…

The company that makes this product have been receiving amazing feedback from customers since the products launch. They now have a huge fan base of cat owners across the country with over 1 000 5 star reviews.

That’s how confident they are in the product.

Katarina Klobučar
Katarina Klobučar
Potvrđeni Kupac
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Ovo je apsolutno prekrasno i djeluje odmah. Također sam pitala veterinara i rekao je da je sigurno za korištenje. Nema više smrdljivog mačjeg zadaha, kakvo zadovoljstvo! Preporučujem ovo svim svojim prijateljima i obitelji.

Poslano: prije 3 dana

Kupljeno: Dental Care (1x)


It’s called Love2Pets Dental Care for Cats and it is changing the lives of thousands of cats.

Designed by experts, it’s a super simple way to help protect your cats teeth and gums. All you have to do is add a few drops to your cats water everyday – that’s it. The formula then gets to work fighting plaque, tartar and bad breath, supporting healthy teeth and gums.


It costs a tiny 0,6 € a day**, and as Ali, a customer put it: “it’s a no brainer to try for any cat owner” – especially after seeing the rave reviews and success stories.

Additionally, with stock running critically low and the global manufacturing system in chaos due to recent events – cat owners are being urged to snap up the limited mouthwashes today.

In just the first week, you’ll notice your cat’s breath is fresher (a plus for anyone who gets licked in the face by their cat).

Week 3 and the results of the dental wash for cats will start to show as your cat’s teeth start to look a little whiter and the gums look less dark.

By week 5 and beyond you’ll see healthy pink gums and teeth that look so clean you’ll think they’re shining.

What’s even more impressive are the incredible reviews for the dental formula. Thousands of people have posted online about how much the mouthwash for cats has changed their cat’s lives (it’s rated 4.7 STAR):

If you’ve got a cat AND YOU DON’T BRUSH THEIR TEETH, then you should give them this mouthwash – it could be lifechanging for them, and do more than just help them with their gums….

When kidney, liver and heart disease are no longer holding them back it could remind them they have that young kitty inside them, waiting to get out and play just like in the old days. I can not think of a greater gift for them.

Give our dental formula a try today and experience the product which thousands of other customers have praised through testimonials. For just 0,6 € a day, you’d be silly not to give it a try.

And if that wasn’t enough, we have a special reader offer through this link only…

To learn more about the product and grab the amazing discount, click the red button below.

From JUST A TINY 0,6 € a day**, no matter what income level you’re on, it’s possible to make sure your cat gets the treatment she deserves.

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4.7 / 5


1 748+ Potvrđenih Recenzija

Franjo Andrejković
Franjo Andrejković
Potvrđeni Kupac
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Radi!!!!! Imam 3 mačke i njihovi zubi su teško dostupni za četkanje. Odlučio sam se za ovaj proizvod i nadao sam se da će im malo pomoći. VIŠE od male pomoći... njihovi zubi su prekrasni, bijeli i zdravi.

Poslano: prije 6 dana

Kupljeno: Dental Care (1x)

Klara Divas
Klara Divas
Potvrđeni Kupac
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Moj Balončić ima 12 godina i smrdljiv zadah koji vas može srušiti u nesvijest! Ne mogu vjerovati da ovaj proizvod zaista djeluje, smrdljivi zadah je napokon nestao i mogu vidjeti da su njeni zubi promijenili boju od žute do bijele.

Poslano: prije 6 dana

Kupljeno: Dental Care (3x)

Lidija Katkić
Lidija Katkić
Potvrđeni Kupac
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Vrlo sam zadovoljna ovim proizvodom!!!! Nisam mislila da će zapravo djelovati na način na koji su rekli da hoće, ali djeluje. Nastavit ću ga koristiti sve dok je moja mačka živa. Stvarno ga preporučujem.

Poslano: prije 9 dana

Kupljeno: Dental Care (3x)

Božena Hercig
Božena Hercig
Potvrđeni Kupac
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JAKO PREPORUČUJEM! Moj 8 godišnja mačka je IMALA loš zadah i žute zube sve dok nisam počela koristiti ovaj proizvod. Njeni zubi su bjelji i njezin zadah je manje smrdljiv.

Poslano: prije 10 dana

Kupljeno: Dental Care (1x)

Katarina Klobučar
Katarina Klobučar
Potvrđeni Kupac
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Ovo je apsolutno prekrasno i djeluje odmah. Također sam pitala veterinara i rekao je da je sigurno za korištenje. Nema više smrdljivog mačjeg zadaha, kakvo zadovoljstvo! Preporučujem ovo svim svojim prijateljima i obitelji.

Poslano: prije 3 dana

Kupljeno: Dental Care (1x)

Franjo Andrejković
Franjo Andrejković
Potvrđeni Kupac
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Radi!!!!! Imam 3 mačke i njihovi zubi su teško dostupni za četkanje. Odlučio sam se za ovaj proizvod i nadao sam se da će im malo pomoći. VIŠE od male pomoći... njihovi zubi su prekrasni, bijeli i zdravi.

Poslano: prije 6 dana

Kupljeno: Dental Care (1x)

Branka Jonasić
Branka Jonasić
Potvrđeni Kupac
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Upotrijebili smo jednu bocu i počeli smo koristiti drugu jer stvarno djeluje. Moja mačka je imala mnogo naslaga na unutarnjoj strani prednjih zubi, ali su sada nestale! Njezin dah je također svježiji.

Poslano: prije 5 dana

Kupljeno: Dental Care (3x)

Klara Divas
Klara Divas
Potvrđeni Kupac
Read More
Moj Balončić ima 12 godina i smrdljiv zadah koji vas može srušiti u nesvijest! Ne mogu vjerovati da ovaj proizvod zaista djeluje, smrdljivi zadah je napokon nestao i mogu vidjeti da su njeni zubi promijenili boju od žute do bijele.

Poslano: prije 6 dana

Kupljeno: Dental Care (3x)

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Experience the benefits of LOVE2PETS Dental Care


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