Struggling with dog itching, paw licking or head shaking? If so, this new probiotic chew is a MUST try

Every 60 seconds, another dog owner buys these breakthrough gut-supporting soft chews – find out why.

How An Imbalanced Gut Affects Your Dog’s ENTIRE Body

When a dog’s gut lacks good bacteria, it can lead them to overproduce yeast in certain areas. From occasional itching to sensitive ears to moist paws – most owners are unaware these odd features are signs of an imbalanced gut. But there are many other signs your dog’s gut is unwell.

What Are The Signs Of Poor Gut Health?

Here are some telltale signs of poor gut health to look out for:
  • Occasional itching
  • Paw licking
  • Head shaking
  • Grass eating
  • Cheesy paws or ears
  • Gas
  • Occasional loose stools
  • Irregular stool consistency and timing
  • Less energy

Introducing Love2Dogs’s Best-Selling Probiotic Chew For Dogs*

Our best-selling Probiotic Chews are formulated with prebiotics and a proprietary blend of 4 powerful probiotic strains.

The formula supports a healthy gut and immune system – which minimizes the impact of allergens and yeast while supporting digestive health. This means less loose stools, licking, head shaking, and itching and a comfortable, happy dog.

84% of Probiotic Chew buyers surveyed are seeing results after 3 months of daily use*

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Probiotika 3 Billion CFU 100 Million CFU 3 Billion CFU 1 Billion CFU
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*Results based on Probiotic SuperChews buyer internal feedback survey conducted in March 2022 (n=300)


…featured by top websites!

Loved by pet parents…

…and over 100 thousand dogs worldwide!

Is your dog showing signs of: seasonal allergies, yeast, itchiness or poor digestion?


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1. Comparison of the Gut Microbiome between Atopic and Healthy Dogs
2. The Role of the Canine Gut Microbiome and Metabolome in Health and Gastrointestinal Disease
3. Your Pet’s Immune System and Gut Health
*Results based on Probiotic Chew buyer internal feedback survey conducted in March 2022 (n=300)
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