How To Get Dog Pee Out Of Carpet

Summary: Dog pees on carpet? In this blog, you’ll find out how to get dog pee out of your carpet… As we pet parents know, sometimes even the best-behaved and trained pooches have a little accident! Unfortunately, if they’re caught short, and the mess isn’t discovered or dealt with swiftly, the smell may […]

Jan 26, 2024

Översikt: Dog pees on carpet? In this blog, you’ll find out how to get dog pee out of your carpet… 

As we pet parents know, sometimes even the best-behaved and trained pooches have a little accident! Unfortunately, if they’re caught short, and the mess isn’t discovered or dealt with swiftly, the smell may linger, and it might even cause a stain.  

This is because the ammonia present in urine can become more concentrated over time and gradually it will convert to mercaptan which will make the urine smell. Combined with the bacteria, hormones, and uric acid also present in pee, no wonder it gets pungent quickly! 

If you’ve caught your dog mid-accident (perhaps you’ve just arrived home after being away from them, and their excitement at your return has met a full bladder!), then it’s advised to blot the liquid with a paper towel and then sprinkle the patch with baking soda. After the baking soda has sat for 20 minutes, vacuum it up.  

For pee that’s still wet, but you’re unsure when it’s happened, blot as much as you can with kitchen towel. Then, mix together 1 cup of fresh water, 2 teaspoons of baking soda, and 1 cup of white vinegar. Shake it up in a spray bottle and spray over the stain. Let it sit for several minutes before blotting until it’s as dry as can be using the towels. Then, sprinkle the spot with baking soda and vacuum up after 20 minutes.  

When it comes to knowing how to get dried dog pee out of the carpet, unfortunately, a homemade concoction is unlikely to be strong enough. You need to seek out an enzymatic pet stain remover. Thoroughly check over the label to be sure it’s safe to use around pets and is non-toxic. 

These cleaning products will help break down the ammonia and other compounds present in urine that makes it smell and assist in neutralizing the odor. Each product will come with different instructions for use.  

If you have been training a puppy or have an older dog that’s had many senile accidents, your carpet may be in serious disarray and it may require a professional cleaning.  

Before committing to the expense of this though, you need to be confident your puppy is finally house-trained or speak to your vet regarding older dogs that are having frequent accidents in the home in case there is an underlying health issue that needs addressing. 

It’s not just carpet that can be affected by dog pee – your grass can too! Did you know the brown patches in your lawn could have been caused by your dog’s urine?

Author Bauhaus, Jean Marie “How För att Get Dog Pee Smell Out Of Carpet” Hill’s Pet, Aug 26. 2020

“How To Get Dog Pee Smell’s & Stains Out Of Carpet” American Kennel Club, Nov 10. 2021  

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