Život bez Svrbenia a Škrabania pre Vášho Psa

1 839 Reviews
SuperChews™ (50 % ZĽAVA)

Život bez Svrbenia a Škrabania pre Vášho Psa

1 839 Reviews
SuperChews™ (50 % ZĽAVA)
Na sklade menej než 10 kusov
Na sklade menej než 10 kusov

Objednávky jsou doručovány bez omezení. Pobočky České pošty jsou stále v provozu.

Solves the Cause

Our chews are formulated to support and directly target skin-related issues and problems unlike other dog supplements that may have no effect on them


By including essential fatty acids in our chews they are able to nourish areas of dry skin that can lead to irritation, providing fast-acting itch relief for dogs

Tasty treat

Feed our tasty chews to your dog every day to support optimum skin and coat health. Chews themselves can be given as a tasty treat, or crumbled onto their food

Podporujú srsť

A range of high-quality ingredients within our chews helps not only to promote a healthy coat but also to help soothe irritated or inflamed skin with a stellar nutrient profile


Solves the Cause

Our chews are formulated to support and directly target skin-related issues and problems unlike other dog supplements that may have no effect on them


By including essential fatty acids in our chews they are able to nourish areas of dry skin that can lead to irritation, providing fast-acting itch relief for dogs

Tasty treat

Feed our tasty chews to your dog every day to support optimum skin and coat health. Chews themselves can be given as a tasty treat, or crumbled onto their food

Podporujú srsť

A range of high-quality ingredients within our chews helps not only to promote a healthy coat but also to help soothe irritated or inflamed skin with a stellar nutrient profile



We donate part of our profit from each purchase to shelters so they can provide better living conditions for shelters dogs. By purchasing our products, you help these dogs live a better life.

Prečítajte Si, Čo Na To Vravia Ostatní

4.8 / 5


1 839+ Verified Reviews

Abbie Gordon
Abbie Gordon
Overený zákazník
I LOVE this product. My Buddy was scratching nonstop day and night and after a few days he's sleeping again and he likes the taste of the chew so that isn't a struggle. 5 stars from me!!

Pridané: pred 1 dňom

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (1x)

Taylor Gray
Taylor Gray
Overený zákazník
Videli sme výsledky už po niekoľkých dňoch! Náš pes sa stále škrabal a mal do krvi rozškrabané rany. Teraz po 2 týždňoch sa už ani neškrabne. Objednávka prišla druhý deň po objednaní a budeme objednávať znovu.

Pridané: pred 1 dňom

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (2x)

Eliza Jenkins
Eliza Jenkins
Overený zákazník
We used shampoo from the vet but it helps for a few days and then it is the same. We started using Itch Chews and it took one week to see results. I’m so happy to see Mindy not itching and chewing.

Pridané: pred 3 dňami

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (1x)

Esme Barrett
Esme Barrett
Overený zákazník
This product worked within a week stop my dog from scratching. He was miserable and scratched all day long, tried many products and meds. Nothing worked til I bought Itch Relief!

Pridané: pred 5 dňami

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (3x)

Joe Matthews
Joe Matthews
Overený zákazník
This has fully addressed my dogs itch! His coat is softer and shinier as well :) I love them because my dog gets the Omegas to help with their itchy skin but I don’t have to spend time giving him medicine.

Pridané: pred 6 dňami

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (1x)

Jodie Jones
Jodie Jones
Overený zákazník
I am on my second order. I found great results with this product and love the way my dogs come running when I open the container. Perfect size!!! I am a big fan, totally recommend it.

Pridané: pred 6 dňami

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (3x)

Lara Rogers
Lara Rogers
Overený zákazník
Nie som expertka na doplnky stravy pre psy. Jediné, čo môžem povedať je to, že po týždni nášho psa prestala svrbieť koža a po mesiaci mal značne zdravšiu srsť. To za mňa stačí ako dôkaz, že to funguje.

Pridané: pred 9 dňami

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (3x)

Alexandra Gajanová
Alexandra Gajanová
Overený zákazník
Purchased the itch chews for my dog and within 4 days her itching has decreased so much after trying so many different things! Nothing ever worked for her but these are a true lifesaver!

Pridané: pred 6 dňami

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (1x)

Erin Mitchell
Erin Mitchell
Overený zákazník
Lucy has been using their treats for 4 days now and I can already see a huge improvement in her overall health. We havent seen her itching or scratching and are so happy she feels better!

Submitted: 13 days ago

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (2x)

Jazmine Albert
Jazmine Albert
Overený zákazník
We recently purchased the itch relief dog chew for our dog because nothing else was really working for him. His scratching has decreased to almost none at all and his mood has been greatly improved.

Submitted: 14 days ago

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (2x)

Carlie Carver
Carlie Carver
Overený zákazník
These chews are working well for my dog! She's scratching & licking her feet less! And I LOVE that they're all natural! She loves the taste too! I recommend it to everyone!

Submitted: 16 days ago

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (1x)

Charley West
Charley West
Overený zákazník
I like that it solves the problem (itching) by solving its root cause. That is the only way how to get rid of it. All other products that I saw only solve the result of the root cause which does not help.

Submitted: 19 days ago

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (1x)

Abbie Gordon
Abbie Gordon
Overený zákazník
I LOVE this product. My Buddy was scratching nonstop day and night and after a few days he's sleeping again and he likes the taste of the chew so that isn't a struggle. 5 stars from me!!

Pridané: pred 1 dňom

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (1x)

Eliza Jenkins
Eliza Jenkins
Overený zákazník
We used shampoo from the vet but it helps for a few days and then it is the same. We started using Itch Chews and it took one week to see results. I’m so happy to see Mindy not itching and chewing.

Pridané: pred 3 dňami

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (1x)

Joe Matthews
Joe Matthews
Overený zákazník
This has fully addressed my dogs itch! His coat is softer and shinier as well :) I love them because my dog gets the Omegas to help with their itchy skin but I don’t have to spend time giving him medicine.

Pridané: pred 6 dňami

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (1x)

Taylor Gray
Taylor Gray
Overený zákazník
Videli sme výsledky už po niekoľkých dňoch! Náš pes sa stále škrabal a mal do krvi rozškrabané rany. Teraz po 2 týždňoch sa už ani neškrabne. Objednávka prišla druhý deň po objednaní a budeme objednávať znovu.

Pridané: pred 1 dňom

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (2x)

Esme Barrett
Esme Barrett
Overený zákazník
This product worked within a week stop my dog from scratching. He was miserable and scratched all day long, tried many products and meds. Nothing worked til I bought Itch Relief!

Pridané: pred 5 dňami

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (3x)

Jodie Jones
Jodie Jones
Overený zákazník
I am on my second order. I found great results with this product and love the way my dogs come running when I open the container. Perfect size!!! I am a big fan, totally recommend it.

Pridané: pred 6 dňami

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (3x)

Samostatné balenie

59,99 €

29,99 €

Add also Dental water for healthy gums for 499Kč (65% Off)

Trojité balenie


179,99 €

69,99 €


Dvojité balenie

119,99 €

59,99 €

Add also Dental water for healthy gums for 499Kč (65% Off)

1x Immune System

1 399 Kč  699 Kč


3x Immune System

4 199 Kč  1 599 Kč

YOU WILL SAVE 2 600 kč

2x Immune System

2 799 Kč  1 399 Kč

Vyberte si balenie

Objednávky jsou doručovány bez omezení. Pobočky České pošty jsou stále v provozu.


Do not forget to add this product to your order

1 399 Kč

499 Kč



Zubná Starostlivosť

Maintain healthy gums and overall oral health - a stress-free and time-saving alternative to brushing your dog's teeth. Contains antimicrobial and antibacterial ingredients that help lower the risk of developing periodontal disease

You will get best results if you combine them with our Immune System chews.

1 399 Kč

499 Kč

Otázky a odpovede

Najčastejšie otázky a odpovede

Áno. Je to úplne bezpečné, ale užívajte iba raz denne a nedávkujte viac, než je doporučená denná dávka podľa hmotnosti Vášho psa.

Pre psy do 10 kg dávkujte 1 žuvačku denne.

Pre psy od 10 kg do 20 kg dávkujte 2 žuvačky denne.

Pre psy nad 20 kg dávkujte 3 žuvačky denne.

Glukosamín 200 mg, chondroitín sulfát 160 mg, MSM 150 mg, organický harmančekový prášok 150 mg, vitamín C 10 mg, extrakt z juky schidigera 55 mg, organická mučenka 100 mg, koreň valeriány lekárskej 22 mg, zmes enzýmov (amyláza, proteáza, lipáza, celuláza, laktáza, bromelaín) 200 mg, grécky jogurt (odtučnené sušené mlieko, kyselina mliečna, Bacillus coagulans,
Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Streptococcus thermophilus) 90 mg, tiamín (vitamín B1) 2 mg, riboflavín (vitamín B2) 1,25 mg, vitamín B12 5 mg, biotín 5 mcg, pyridoxín (vitamín B6) 1. 25 mg, konopný extrakt 5 mg, prášok z organických konopných semien 200 mg, organická kurkuma 200 mg, palmový olej, ovos, prírodná kuracia príchuť, organický sirup z hnedej ryže, sladké zemiaky, slnečnicový lecitín, celulózový prášok, mrkva, paradajky, ryžové otruby, kokosový glycerín, kyselina sorbová, extrakt z rozmarínu, zmes tokoferolov.

Naše SuperChews sú vhodné pre psy všetkých vekov a plemien, ale odporúčame ich začať postupne podávať šteniatkam vo veku od 8-12 týždňov. Ak máte akékoľvek obavy, tak ich odkonzultujte s Vašim veterinárom.

Naše žuvačky majú kuraciu príchuť.

Snažíme sa, aby naše produkty boli čo najprirodzenejšie. Používame prísady najvyššej kvality, aby sme zaručili, že budú tieto žuvacie maškrty bezpečné pre všetky psy. Ak máte akékoľvek obavy, tak sa najprv poraďte so svojím veterinárom.

Objednávku môžete zaplatiť na dobierku pri prevzatí tovaru alebo kartou online.

Vašu objednávku vám doručíme do 2 pracovných dní od objednania priamo na Vašu adresu.

Pred doručením Vás telefonicky kontaktuje kuriér dopravnej spoločnosti.

Ak Vám pôvodný termín dodania nevyhovuje, je možné sa s kuriérom dohodnúť na inom termíne a mieste doručenia tovaru.

Ak potrebujete reklamovať alebo vrátiť kúpený tovar, vyplňte prosím náš kontaktný formulár.

Faktúry za objednaný tovar zasielame elektronicky na Váš e-mail po prijatí Vašej platby na náš bankový účet (v prípade platby na dobierku je to približne 14 dní).

About US

US Company

Every idea starts with a problem. Ours was simple and we wanted to find the solution for it for us and everyone else. That is how Love2Dogs™was born.

Our products not only make your life easier. They also bring joy to every moment of your day because we know that you are special.

By bypassing traditional channels, building direct relationships with the best manufacturers and designing our products in-house, we’re able to provide high-quality, beautiful goods at a fraction of the going price.

Since day one we foster a two-way communication with our community of awesome customers and don’t just welcome their feedback, we actively seek their collaboration in improving our products and company.

There’s nothing complicated about it. Good products, good outcome.

Meet Our Team

Co-founder & ceo

Amanda Dee

Amanda is passionate about finding a new perfect solution to problems.

Co-founder & ceo

Adam Cheise

Adam is a leader from a very young age. He is constantly working on new projects.


Mike Stuart

Mike loves engineering. He likes building new things and helping others.

marketing specialist

Dan Staller

Dan’s responsible for getting the story about our company around the world.


John Milso

John designs and builds the frontend architecture, and infrastructure.


Kate Lynch

Kate will find a solution to every problem you will encounter.

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