Healthy Anal Glands and Comfortable Life for Your Dog

1 453 Recenzií
SuperChews™ (50 % ZĽAVA)

Healthy Anal Glands and Comfortable Life for Your Dog

1 453 Recenzií
SuperChews™ (50 % ZĽAVA)
Na sklade menej než 10 kusov
Na sklade menej než 10 kusov

Objednávky jsou doručovány bez omezení. Pobočky České pošty jsou stále v provozu.


Love2Dogs SuperChews are scientifically formulated with a blend of ingredients that support healthy anal glands and promote their natural emptying while the probiotics can help support healthy gut and bowel functions

Podporujú Zdravé Črevá

Love2Dogs, probiotické žuvacie maškrty, obsahujú 8 druhov prospešných baktérií a výber potrebných vitamínov aj minerálov pre podporu správneho trávenia a črevného zdravia, ktoré je potrebné pre celkové zdravie vášho psa.


Love2Dogs SuperChews are recommended by thousands of veterinarians worldwide and were developed by leading veterinarians to specifically support healthy anal gland function. They are the best source of probiotics that helps build, reinforce, and maintain your dog’s optimum digestive health


Chews themselves can be given as a tasty treat or crumbled onto their food. Noticeable changes in smell and stool consistency come after at least 14 days of use. We recommend feeding our tasty chews to your dog every day to support optimum digestive health



Love2Dogs SuperChews are scientifically formulated with a blend of ingredients that support healthy anal glands and promote their natural emptying while the probiotics can help support healthy gut and bowel functions

Podporujú Zdravé Črevá

Love2Dogs, probiotické žuvacie maškrty, obsahujú 8 druhov prospešných baktérií a výber potrebných vitamínov aj minerálov pre podporu správneho trávenia a črevného zdravia, ktoré je potrebné pre celkové zdravie vášho psa.


Chews themselves can be given as a tasty treat or crumbled onto their food. Noticeable changes in smell and stool consistency come after at least 14 days of use. We recommend feeding our tasty chews to your dog every day to support optimum digestive health


Love2Dogs SuperChews are recommended by thousands of veterinarians worldwide and were developed by leading veterinarians to specifically support healthy anal gland function. They are the best source of probiotics that helps build, reinforce, and maintain your dog’s optimum digestive health



8 Kmeňov Baktérií

Tieto probiotiká obsaujú prospešné mikroorganizmy, ktoré udržujú reaktivitu imunitného systému, pomáhajú tráviť potravu aj vstrebávať vitamíny a minerály

Bio Harmanček

Harmanček upokojuje podráždenú pokožku a zmierňuje zápaly. Je najvhodnejší pre psov, ktorí zažívajú pálenie a svrbenie kože

Vitamín C, B2, B12, B6

Podporuje zdravú imunitu, pokožku aj správne trávenie. Psy majú často nedostatok týchto vitamínov, preto je ich dopĺňanie prospešné

Kompletné zloženie

Glukosamín 200 mg, chondroitín sulfát 160 mg, MSM 150 mg, organický harmančekový prášok 150 mg, vitamín C 10 mg, extrakt z juky schidigera 55 mg, organická mučenka 100 mg, koreň valeriány lekárskej 22 mg, zmes enzýmov (amyláza, proteáza, lipáza, celuláza, laktáza, bromelaín) 200 mg, grécky jogurt (odtučnené sušené mlieko, kyselina mliečna, Bacillus coagulans,
Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Streptococcus thermophilus) 90 mg, tiamín (vitamín B1) 2 mg, riboflavín (vitamín B2) 1,25 mg, vitamín B12 5 mg, biotín 5 mcg, pyridoxín (vitamín B6) 1. 25 mg, konopný extrakt 5 mg, prášok z organických konopných semien 200 mg, organická kurkuma 200 mg, palmový olej, ovos, prírodná kuracia príchuť, organický sirup z hnedej ryže, sladké zemiaky, slnečnicový lecitín, celulózový prášok, mrkva, paradajky, ryžové otruby, kokosový glycerín, kyselina sorbová, extrakt z rozmarínu, zmes tokoferolov.

Prečítajte Si, Čo Na To Vravia Ostatní

4.8 / 5


1 453 + Overených Recenzií

Sára Vajdová
Sára Vajdová
Overený zákazník
Our dog has had problems with his anal glands, but the vet couldn't seem to figure it out. We are 3 months into using this and it completely solved all the issues – most importantly the dragging of his behind on our carpets…

Pridané: pred 1 dňom

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (1x)

Nikolas Dovec
Nikolas Dovec
Overený zákazník
Without these chews, my dog suffers from constant anal itching or pain which resulted in frequent licking, butt scooting, etc. These chews fixed this long-standing problem completely! Plus my dog loves the taste of it!

Pridané: pred 1 dňom

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (2x)

Sarah Grančáková
Sarah Grančáková
Overený zákazník
My dog tends to have problems with her anal glands. Tried these chews hoping it would help relieve her discomfort without needing repeated trips to her Vet. It definitely has helped her feel (and smell!) better.

Pridané: pred 3 dňami

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (1x)

Laura Krajcová
Laura Krajcová
Overený zákazník
Having spent so much money with two different vets that gave my dog antibiotics and also steroids to cure his digestive problems. I read up on these chews and decided to try them. It took a couple of weeks, but all the problems have now stopped!

Pridané: pred 5 dňami

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (3x)

Štefan Hronec
Štefan Hronec
Overený zákazník
I started my dog on this at the recommendation of my vet because the dog was collecting tiny pieces of poop in a little pouch under the rectum and irritating the crap out of her. There were two choices: try these chews or surgery. Luckily the chews worked!

Pridané: pred 6 dňami

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (1x)

Hana Barcová
Hana Barcová
Overený zákazník
Our two dogs were constantly having anal gland issues and having to go to vet to get relief. This product stopped all that and they have not had a problem for over six months and they love the soft chews I give them.

Pridané: pred 6 dňami

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (3x)

Gabika Bílá
Gabika Bílá
Overený zákazník
My dog has a horrible issue with her anal glands. We have to get them expressed monthly at the vet. These chews really seem to help her and she loves the taste. It’s become a part of her morning routine with breakfast.

Pridané: pred 9 dňami

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (3x)

Klára Kortišová
Klára Kortišová
Overený zákazník
My dogs loved the taste of these treats. They are the only ones that actually help all 3 of my dogs with anal gland issues. Totally recommended if your dog has similar problems.

Pridané: pred 6 dňami

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (1x)

Camille Bender
Camille Bender
Overený zákazník
After 2 months of taking these our 9-year-old dog is a completely different dog. The limp is gone and she is playful - more so even then when she was little puppy. Great product.

Submitted: 13 days ago

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (2x)

Lorelai Calderon
Lorelai Calderon
Overený zákazník
My 11-year-old pound puppy was slowing down & starting to limp. She is now running & jumping again. It makes my heart happy. People can’t believe she is 11 years old! I totally recommend this.

Submitted: 14 days ago

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (2x)

Aryana Benson
Aryana Benson
Overený zákazník
My dog loves these & I do feel they are helping with his joints. He is 15 and runs whenever he can. He had issues with stairs, but that is not a problem for him anymore.

Submitted: 16 days ago

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (1x)

Natasha Rivera
Natasha Rivera
Overený zákazník
First off, the dogs LOVE it! My dog started having pain in his left knee, vet diagnosed it as a loose knee joint. Now he can leap and bound up the stairs and spin around in circles in excitement.

Submitted: 19 days ago

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (1x)

Sára Vajdová
Sára Vajdová
Overený zákazník
Our dog has had problems with his anal glands, but the vet couldn't seem to figure it out. We are 3 months into using this and it completely solved all the issues – most importantly the dragging of his behind on our carpets…

Pridané: pred 1 dňom

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (1x)

Sarah Grančáková
Sarah Grančáková
Overený zákazník
My dog tends to have problems with her anal glands. Tried these chews hoping it would help relieve her discomfort without needing repeated trips to her Vet. It definitely has helped her feel (and smell!) better.

Pridané: pred 3 dňami

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (1x)

Štefan Hronec
Štefan Hronec
Overený zákazník
I started my dog on this at the recommendation of my vet because the dog was collecting tiny pieces of poop in a little pouch under the rectum and irritating the crap out of her. There were two choices: try these chews or surgery. Luckily the chews worked!

Pridané: pred 6 dňami

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (1x)

Nikolas Dovec
Nikolas Dovec
Overený zákazník
Without these chews, my dog suffers from constant anal itching or pain which resulted in frequent licking, butt scooting, etc. These chews fixed this long-standing problem completely! Plus my dog loves the taste of it!

Pridané: pred 1 dňom

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (2x)

Laura Krajcová
Laura Krajcová
Overený zákazník
Having spent so much money with two different vets that gave my dog antibiotics and also steroids to cure his digestive problems. I read up on these chews and decided to try them. It took a couple of weeks, but all the problems have now stopped!

Pridané: pred 5 dňami

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (3x)

Hana Barcová
Hana Barcová
Overený zákazník
Our two dogs were constantly having anal gland issues and having to go to vet to get relief. This product stopped all that and they have not had a problem for over six months and they love the soft chews I give them.

Pridané: pred 6 dňami

Kúpené: Love2Dogs (3x)

Samostatné balenie

59,99 €

29,99 €

Trojité balenie


179,99 €

69,99 €


Dvojité balenie

119,99 €

59,99 €

Vyberte si balenie

Objednávky jsou doručovány bez omezení. Pobočky České pošty jsou stále v provozu.


Do not forget to add this product to your order

1 399 Kč

499 Kč



Zubná Starostlivosť

Maintain healthy gums and overall oral health - a stress-free and time-saving alternative to brushing your dog's teeth. Contains antimicrobial and antibacterial ingredients that help lower the risk of developing periodontal disease

You will get best results if you combine them with our Dog Joints chews.

1 399 Kč

499 Kč

Otázky a odpovede

Najčastejšie otázky a odpovede

Áno. Je to úplne bezpečné, ale užívajte iba raz denne a nedávkujte viac, než je doporučená denná dávka podľa hmotnosti Vášho psa.

Pre psy do 10 kg dávkujte 1 žuvačku denne.

Pre psy od 10 kg do 20 kg dávkujte 2 žuvačky denne.

Pre psy nad 20 kg dávkujte 3 žuvačky denne.

Glukosamín 200 mg, chondroitín sulfát 160 mg, MSM 150 mg, organický harmančekový prášok 150 mg, vitamín C 10 mg, extrakt z juky schidigera 55 mg, organická mučenka 100 mg, koreň valeriány lekárskej 22 mg, zmes enzýmov (amyláza, proteáza, lipáza, celuláza, laktáza, bromelaín) 200 mg, grécky jogurt (odtučnené sušené mlieko, kyselina mliečna, Bacillus coagulans,
Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Streptococcus thermophilus) 90 mg, tiamín (vitamín B1) 2 mg, riboflavín (vitamín B2) 1,25 mg, vitamín B12 5 mg, biotín 5 mcg, pyridoxín (vitamín B6) 1. 25 mg, konopný extrakt 5 mg, prášok z organických konopných semien 200 mg, organická kurkuma 200 mg, palmový olej, ovos, prírodná kuracia príchuť, organický sirup z hnedej ryže, sladké zemiaky, slnečnicový lecitín, celulózový prášok, mrkva, paradajky, ryžové otruby, kokosový glycerín, kyselina sorbová, extrakt z rozmarínu, zmes tokoferolov.

Naše SuperChews sú vhodné pre psy všetkých vekov a plemien, ale odporúčame ich začať postupne podávať šteniatkam vo veku od 8-12 týždňov. Ak máte akékoľvek obavy, tak ich odkonzultujte s Vašim veterinárom.

Naše žuvačky majú kuraciu príchuť.

Snažíme sa, aby naše produkty boli čo najprirodzenejšie. Používame prísady najvyššej kvality, aby sme zaručili, že budú tieto žuvacie maškrty bezpečné pre všetky psy. Ak máte akékoľvek obavy, tak sa najprv poraďte so svojím veterinárom.

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